“Three years on: Stories from the pilot programme”, a DVD of patient and clinician experiences with personal health budgets, is now available to health and social care professionals.
Seven patients, in the final year of the personal health budgets pilot programme, share their experiences, what the process is like, what they spend their money on and how they decided on this. The films include the perspectives of their family, carers and health care professionals, as well as a film specifically for health care professionals – interviews with GPs, nurses and a range of practitioners.
The DVD includes an introduction by Minister of State for Care Services Norman Lamb who launched the DVD, part of a good practice toolkit for healthcare professionals, when the government announced the national rollout of personal health budgets.
The films aim to illustrate the kind of choices people can make if they have a personal health budget, and the positive impact it can have on their health and lives. The DVD could be used in professional education and training in the NHS and social care, or to give to patients who are considering a personal health budget.